Friday, June 22, 2007


So as per my usual, I'm watching a little MTV the other day and this show called "Sweet Sixteen" comes on. I've seen parts of several episodes of this show and as much as I love MTV, this show really pisses me off. It's ridiculous. These girls they feature on this show are some of the worst people I've ever seen in my life. So in this particular episode there is a girl named Audrey who I think was from Miami. The only part I watched was a scene where her mother surprised her a day early with a brand new Lexus coupe. I don't know how much this car cost but I have a feeling it's in excess of $50K. It was a sweet ride and apparently what she had asked for. When she saw it though she threw a fit. She started crying and yelling at her mother about how she ruined her birthday but giving it to her a day early. I guess she wanted it delivered at her party maybe? I don't know. This fit was insane. It just went on and on and her mother just took it ... although she did return the car to the dealership. I'm sure the salesman was thrilled to see that commission go down the drain. In the end I just couldn't help but wonder how a 15 year old girl could end up like this. Is it because of the millions of dollars? Or are her parents just not that good at parenting? It seems like all the girls on this show are spoiled brats that want every piece of attention they can get. Can MTV not find any respectable 15 year olds ... or would that not be good t.v. And why am I watching this stuff anyways? And more importantly, why am I writing about it. I apparently have some problems. Okay, enough.


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