Friday, June 01, 2007


It has been brought to my attention (by that I mean I looked in the mirror and noticed) that I have apparently developed what we're going to call a little "extra". I have no idea how this happened. Actually I guess I do have some sort of idea. It goes something like this. I was in high school and worked out every day. I also had a very quick metabolism. I was in college and pretty much rode a bike everyday. And I had a high metabolism. After college I started to work and never worked out. But I still had a high metabolism. Within the past few years I still worked and did not work out very often. And I could actually sense my metabolism slowing down. And see the extra starting to form. So at the start of this year I started biking ... a lot. And I got into decent shape (comparatively speaking versus where I was before). Currently I've taken a little break from the bike and of course the old metabolism is right where it was before so here comes the extra. Damn the extra. And it all likes to congregate at the front or sides of the ole' belly. Being a guy who started losing the hair very early in life ... this is something that cannot happen. Guys who get guts can at least say, "at least I still have my hair." And guys that lose their hair like to be able to say, "at least I don't have a gut." So where does that leave me? Working out. That's where it leaves me. And I hate working out. But I like food more than I hate working out so that's pretty much how it has to happen. And it's actually good for me and makes me feel good so I guess it's not all bad. And then hopefully I can say, "at least I don't have a gut."

I'm pretty sure this is the most vain post I've ever written, but it was on my mind. I'll try to start focusing on the more important things in life. Right after I workout.


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