Wednesday, May 25, 2005

ABC and beyond

Has anyone been keeping up with the show "Lost". All season I've been hearing about how unbelievable this show is and probably for that reason I have not seen any of it. Tonight with all the American Idol hype I was searching for something else to watch. Fortunately the One Tree Hill finale was not calling my name so I decided to tune into the last hour of the Lost finale. I have no idea what happened in the previous episodes but I am hooked. The strange thing is I can't put my finger on the exact reason why. It has a lot to do with the mystery and edge of your seat intensity but there is more there. I guess I'll buy the DVD's when they come out.

Did anyone watch Boston Legal when that show was on? Shatner ... that guy kicks big time butt.

That Tom Cruise guy really creeps me out. I saw a clip of him on Oprah and apparently he's dating Joey Potter now. He made her come out onto the set so he could parade her around. Although now that I think about it, if I was dating Joey I would parade her too.

The progression of a sunburn:

Day 1) You hurt ... I mean really really hurt.

Day 2) You think, holy crap that Aloe Vera really worked. I'm cured.

Day 3) You're attacked by the itch and proceed to scratch off all remaining layers of skin.

Does anyone know who invented the necktie? What a horrible idea. I'm required to wear one to work with the exception of fridays. Do you think a bowtie would suffice? I'm also looking into clip ons. The messed up thing is the company wants its employees to look "professional" but what ends up happening is I role up the sleeves on my long sleeve dress shirt, unbutton my top button, loosen my tie and end up looking like more of a slob than if I just dressed business casual.

I'm currently listening to The Police on vinyl.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lost is definitely addicting... I started watching towards the beginning but I haven't been able to keep up with all the episodes. I'm looking forward to reruns. On a side note - really enjoying the random commentaries.

10:56 AM  

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