Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow

So it's snowing outside right now. And by snow I of course mean a weird mix of freezing rain, sleet and snow. Not the stuff that floats down from the sky to softly blanket the countryside. This is the stuff that comes flying down like minute ballistic missles blasting everything in sight. You do not want to get hit in the face with this stuff if the wind is blowing. You will for sure be in pain.

Everyone really freaks out about bad weather here. I love it. I guess it's justified because the combo of ice and people's inexperience driving on it can really cause problems. Some people on the radio where talking about how the news stations are already set up along the highways at places where people traditionally wipe out on ice. They were laughing because the news people make no effort to warn drivers they are approaching a hazardous area. They just keep quiet and keep the cameras rolling. I love it.

That's enough for now. I'm just trying to avoid work.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So are you working from home today? Cause I'm not that excited that I have to deal with Austin drivers and the upper and lower decks during rush hour. Kind of sounds like taking my life in my own hands. I'm not that kind of risk taker.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Craig said...

Yes ... and no. I've been trying to get me computer connected to our network from my house today and it hasn't gone as planned so I had to brave the conditions and go to the office for a while. It's starting to sleet pretty hard now so I'm in for the evening it looks like.

Hope you don't slide off the upper deck. That would not be pretty.

2:25 PM  

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