Thursday, August 04, 2005

Nervous Habits

Below is a short list of several nervous habits that I either started or restarted almost at exactly the same time I moved to the DFW area.

1) Teeth Grinding
- not the inadvertant kind that happens while you sleep and can be very loud. I don't think you can really help that. Mine is the kind of you are very conscious of and goes on all day. By the way, does anyone know if this can mess your teeth up? I hope not. And does anyone know how to make oneself stop doing it? It's weird because I used to do this as a kid but can't remember doing it in years. I think the no job thing kind of got to me and made me very nervous on some level. It's not like me to be that way.

2) Remote Flipping
- I can't stop flipping the tv remote control over and over in my hand while watching tv. The crazy thing is I don't always catch it and it falls and hits my feet or other pieces of furniture. A remote to the foot doesn't feel so great. This is a new habit. Not sure why I chose it over other potential nervous habits but like the others, it started right after my move here.

3) Weird Thumb Thing
- Sometimes I can feel the joints in my thumb get tight and so I can curl the thumb back in a certain motion to sort of work out the kink. Now I find myself doing this all the time even if the joints aren't tight and don't need attention. I wonder if anyone around me ever notices this because I think it probably looks weird.

Do other people do crap like this? Curious.


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