Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Time To Celebrate

Lastnight was a great night. I made a purchase I've been wanting to make for quite some time now. I asked for this item for Christmas only to find that my request had fallen on Santa's deaf ears. So I hopped out of the car at Best Buy, gift certificates in hand and went in to buy the first season of LOST. I missed the majority of the first season and have been dying to get caught up. I of course know the gist of what happened but there are some many nuances and twists that you could never imagine. I'm so excited to hopefully have some time soon to just sit in front of the t.v. and zone out to episode after episode. Of course I can't watch too many at once because there will be too much to analyze and ponder. If you don't watch this show I urge you to get in on the excitement. It really is one of if not the best written show that has been on t.v. in a long time. It is artfully crafted and its depth seems to know no bounds. I won't disclose to you all the nerdy things I am involved in when it comes to this show but it definitely takes a little of my time ... and I love it.

On another note, if you remember I posted back in June about how it was my half birthday. That was 6 months ago from tomorrow (thursday). Just fyi. What is 28 all about? Is that still a cool age? Is there a certain age when I supposed to start wearing penny loafers with jeans and talking about the most boring things known to mankind? I hope 28 is not that age. And if it is I will fight the system by wearing Chuck Taylors and talking about rock 'n roll all night.

I got an iPod nano for Christmas. This thing is unreal. It's so easy to lose. I've been wanting to get in on the iPod revolution for some time now and am now part of the movement. It's cool. You should do it if you haven't already.


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