Monday, January 15, 2007


Well, we had an ice storm ... so they say. By "they" I mean ... you know ... "they". The powers that be. The ones running this whole thing. At first I thought maybe Troy Duncan was one of "they" but I think it goes much deeper and he is just a pawn in this game of weather related cloak and dagger. You see, it started raining here on thursday or friday of lastweek. It was still very warm but apparently cold air and freezing rain were on the way. Friday night it turned cold and we were supposed to be iced in by Saturday afternoon. I drove 20 miles to Dallas and 20 miles back to my house that night ... no ice. We dodged a bullet they said. Sunday we would be iced in though. It worked out since I had made plans to do absolutely nothing anyways. I'll tell you ... it's been freakin' cold. And there has been ice on all the trees outside. So much so that many of them are leaning over. But the roads on Sunday again were fine. I wake up this morning and look outside. Ice on the trees, but the roads are dry. So where was all the ice? Why do you get us all psyched up for this stuff and then this is all we get. And yes, I saw all your television broadcasts of the people sliding around in there cars and getting into wrecks. Everyone else may believe you, but in the same way that my friend Dave believes the moon landing was shot on a sound stage, I believe we are seeing old footage of other apparent "ice storms" and not actual events that happened today. I just don't believe it. This ice stuff is nothing but a hoax. So go back to work people. Go back to school. It's okay to drive. And maybe it was best to heed their caution today as things don't always turn out so well for those who dig just a little too deep when it comes to north Texas ice storms.


Blogger Unknown said...

I can tell you of Central Texas ice storms... and peeling a 2" sheet of ice off my car so that I could come in to work...

11:32 AM  

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