As you know I watched the season finale of LOST last season and was hooked so I was pretty amped up for the season 2 premier on Wednesday night. It's such a weird thing watching this show because there are so many unanswered questions and although you feel like they will all be answered within an hour or two of television as in the movies, the questions just pile up one on top of the other. The cool thing is that the show really plays up these different mysteries. The "hatch" for instance. That guy Locke was determined to get inside that thing for whatever reason. There was this huge buildup to it at the end of the first season and when they finally blew the hatch they just panned out with Locke and Jack staring into a seeming abyss. So who in the world would have thought the second season would have began with some crazy guy living at the bottom of the hole capped by the "hatch". By the way, on a side note everytime I hear the word "hatch" in relation to a deserted island I think of the first season of Survivor. Weird huh?
Anyways, long story short, I'm excited for this new season. I need to go buy the first season on dvd so I know the entire story. I feel really stupid because all last season when the show was being talked about a lot I passed it off and figured it was not that great and people were just going nuts over it because it was new and different. Turns out they were going nuts because it was a kick butt show. So Wednesdays at 8:00 CST if you're interested. Check it out and let me know what you think.
Any other good shows on that people are watching? I feel like there are a ton of new shows out there and it's hard to wade through the crap sometimes to get to the good stuff. I think reality stuff is cool but I'm not into anything out right now except Real World Austin. Anyone ever watch "It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia" on FX. It was a short first season but a very funny show. Very relatable and at the same time very screwball and out there. I saw Julie had a post about the new Martha Stewart show. Anyone see that thing? I heard the ratings weren't so hot. That chick really creeps me out for some reason. I think it's because when Conan does his thing where he puts people's faces on the tv screen with someone else's lips for talking I find it oddly accurate. The weird thing about that is the fact it is a man's lips with a five o'clock shadow.
And now it's time for me to go watch more hurricane footage. I'm really hooked on that stuff. I missed my fair share of work 3 weeks ago during Katrina watching tv. Luckily this one is on the weekend. Hopefully I'll be able to stay on task on Monday. Until next time ...
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He's that guy that Jack talked to while running the aisles in the stadium, right?
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