Wednesday, October 04, 2006


Music amazes me. A lot of people have written a lot of music over the years. A lot of it is really good (at least according to me). But it takes a special person and situation to write something that transcends all expectation for what a song should be and what it should do. Lyle Lovett is one of my favorite writers. He writes so simply, but so beautifully. Anyways, the point of this is to just post some excerpts of some of the songs I've been listening to lately and that have meant a lot. I've found myself to be a little melancholy lately so the tone of my music has seemed to mirror that. A lot of the words however don't have anything to do with the things I've been going through or thinking about ... but I think they are amazingly written and should be shared. If you want to actually hear the songs you can find them on the internet or just come over to my house. So here you go:

And I'm wilder than her
It drives her out of her mind
I guess she thought that she was just one of a kind.
She's a summer storm
I'm a hurricane
One just blows through town and one blows the town away
And I'm wilder than her

-Fred Eaglesmith

She said that girl in the corner,
She's more than pretty
And man you're not the first to look over her way
If you still want
I could introduce you
But you never will be the same
The she looked at me and she laughed at me
And she extended her hand to me
And the rest they say is history

-Lyle Lovett


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