Tuesday, January 03, 2006

New Year's Goals

Below are several goals I've set for myself to be accomplished during the coming year. People always make resolutions and never hold to them so that's why I changed mine to goals. Resolutions are too broad, sometimes unattainable and people never really develop plans to accomplish them. As one who conducts business for a living I feel the "goal" can be a much better tool. They range from professional to personal. These goals are attainable (don't laugh), measureable, and have a timeline. They are as follows (and although you may laugh I'm totally serious ... well, mostly):

1) Professional - be at 100% of plan at work. That means I sell what I'm expected to sell, meet quota, etc.

2) Personal - get a girlfriend. I'm thinking minimum of 3 months. Anything shorter than that is just the time it takes to figure out if you really like the person. I think a girl could bring some much needed balance around here. And besides, girls are pretty ... at least the ones I like.

3) Personal - attain beginner level status on the piano. This is not too lofty a goal but could be harder than it looks because I don't actually have a piano. I've been wanting to learn for the past few years but haven't had the time or resources.

4) Personal/Professional - write enough songs to complete a record. Not saying I will make one. I would just like to have enough bullets in the gun if I wanted to. I'm thinking 10 - 12. That means somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 a month.

Okay, that's all for now. I may add. Hopefully not take away. Check on me periodically to make sure I'm sticking to it.


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