Tuesday, June 06, 2006


So here are my thoughts on state inspection stickers. You pay 39.50 to get that little sticker on your car. After a year if you don't pay another 39.50 you are subject to receiving a citation from a police officer. Usually if you get a ticket you can get the inspection done in 10 business days or less and have it dismissed. So let's say I go 4 months past the expiration before I get a ticket and have to cough up another 39.50. That means that I have now reduced the cost of the previous year from 39.50 to (hold on while I get a calculator) 29.62. The longer I'm able to go without getting a ticket, the less I pay per year for the inspection. You follow? Once my inspection sticker has expired I try to be a little more cautious and aware of cops around me.

So last week I was going over to Allison's apartment to watch LOST when the following string of events occurred. First of all I usually drive down her alley in order to come around to the front of the apartment and park without having to turn around in the street as you can only park on one side of the street. There was a car blocking the entrance so I went to the front. There is a weird intersection just past her apartment where I turned left. I could have sworn I stopped here but as I was unaware of my impending run in with the lawdogs so I forgot to make a mental note. I turn lefta and go on about my business. I couldn't find a parking spot so I make a u-turn back to the same intersection. This time I notice a cop sitting at the intersection so I make it a point to stop. I turn right and pull in front of the apartment building. Immediately this guy is behind me with lights flashing. Long story even longer, I got two tickets. One for my inspection sticker being out of date (no problem) and one for running the stop sign. I am almost positive I didn't run it but I figured if I tried to question or fight this he would end up having it on video and I didn't need that waste of time or pride. So on the ticket it actually states that I rolled through the stop sign at 3 mph. That's right people. 3 mph. Where I come from that is more than a stop. You know what you get for rolling through a stop sign at 3 mph? You get to pay the city of Highland Park $188. What the hell? I try to have a healthy appreciate for law enforcement but this jackass makes it very hard. Someone was probably knocking over a liquor store while he was writing me a ticket for rolling through a stop sign.

So I salute the men and women of the Highland Park police dept. And I do so with two birds raised high and pointed in your direction.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having been the recipient of that infamous bird finger of yours (on more than one occasion), I feel sorry for those policemen! Way to stick it to 'em.

6:14 AM  
Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

how does emily have a blog for 10 minutes and she ranks a link, but i don't?

dude. middle fingers is right.

8:46 PM  
Blogger The Cynical Tyrant said...

wow, i didn't think that would work. nice!

but now my name's misspelled??

dude, do you just totally hate me, or what.

9:47 PM  
Blogger Craig said...

How big of a jerk am I? I feel like I've always felt that your lastname was spelled H-E-R ... but apparently it is not.

Notice that you are the first link in the list of blogs. Hopefully that will help make us friends again.

10:05 PM  

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