Thursday, June 22, 2006


I think the title sums up my past couple of days in regards to what happened to our great basketball team here in Dallas. We lost ... I'm depressed ... it's okay, I'll get over it sometime before next season. That's all I want to say regarding this and will now move on to some of the other thoughts flying through my head lately. In bulleted form of course. Enjoy!

-I'm not a fan of soccer. I played as a kid and enjoyed that but as an adult I just can't get into it. I get the fanfare and I think that is cool. But we already have that here. It's called college football. I just heard that the U.S. got beat and is now out of the World Cup. Thank goodness. I'm tired of hearing about it on Sportscenter. Everyone said our team was going to be pretty good and should have easily made the next round. I think the Iraq war was only supposed to last a few months and then our guys would come home to a ticker tape parade. I think the Greeks (the ancient ones) called it hubris.

-I got some new Converse All-Stars this past weekend.

-I sometimes equate hotdogs to Krispy Kreme doughnuts. At the time you feel like you can eat 4 or 5 comfortably, but then later your body reminds you it is only cut out for about 3. It was $1 hotdog night at the Rangers game lastnight. Enough said.

-In regards to the previous point, it's sad when you can buy 6 hotdogs for the same price as one watered down beer.

-I have a couple of new ... and by new I mean this has happened within the past 6-8 months ... places to eat. As a child I was not a fan of the Chinese food. And although I'm sure this would be considered the farthest thing from actual Chinese food I've still become a huge fan of Pei Wei and Panda Express. I prefer Panda while it's light outside and Pei Wei when it's dark. I don't know why.

-We're in a stage 3 drought here in North Texas and in McKinney you can only water your yard on your trash day and only before 10:00 a.m. or after 6:00 p.m. So now when people ask what I'm doing on Wednesday night I say I'm staying home to water the yard. I'm such an old man. But if I don't get it done I have to wait an entire week to water my already dried up excuse for a lawn.

-Does anyone know if you can die from Tetanus? And if you get it do the symptoms get progressively worse or just sort of stay the same while quietly eating away at the inside of your body? The reason I ask is because last weekend I got a small cut on my hand from an old tape measure. The tape was broken at one point and it cut me. I didn't think much about it but the next morning my left jaw was kind of sore and hard to open. It's been this way all week and I'm wondering if I have lockjaw. It hasn't gotten worse but it hasn't gotten better. Any doctors out there? I think I probably had a tetanus shot a few years ago but I'm not 100% sure. I would just go to the doctor but apparently my insurance I get through work isn't as good as I thought. I thought I was supposed to have like a $25 copay for doctors visits. I just got a bill in the mail from my doctor for $53. The total bill was only $75. Nice to know I'm being taken care of.

-In a related story, I was telling Allison that I think I might have tetanus and she kept accidentally referring to it as tetris. I hope you don't have tetris .... damn it ... I mean tetris ... crap I did it again. TET ... AAA ... NUS.

-Speaking of Tetris ... I remember in college how my roomates/friends and I got really addicted to that stuff. Whoever was sitting at the computer usually played for hours on end. It got so bad that when I would lay down to go to sleep at night I would close my eyes and instinctively start to visualize tetris pieces falling into place. I asked around and apparently I wasn't the only person that happened to. I think Tetris is one of the greatest games ever. Along with Super Mario Bros. of course ... and maybe Halo .... and Donkey Kong. Not Mortal Combat though.

-The Rangers won today. Woohoo!


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