Friday, December 01, 2006


Enough already. I get it. It's been forever since I've posted anything here. Why don't you sue me already. (is that how you spell "sue"? It seems like it should be different than the name "sue". Maybe not) Anyways, sorry for not writing more. Oddly enough this seems to be a trend among my few friends who are nerdy enough to keep a blog. By the way, every time I write or say the word "blog" I think of Randy Galloway saying "bbbllllog". Funny.

I feel like there has been a lot going on over the past few months. Lots of changes. New stuff. And sometimes too much stuff makes it too overwhelming to put into a few paragraphs every so often. So here are few random things to further bore you as you zone out in front of your computer screen.

First of all ... I took a big step a few months ago. I'm now a household of two. Now let's not jump to conclusions. It wasn't that big of a step. I just got a dog. Her name is Chloe. She's a 3 year old Golden Retriever. I got her from a family who had to get rid of her which is which first of all is why her name is "Chloe" ... not that it's a bad name ... but that's probably not my first choice. I've decided now to tell people that she was named after a certain blonde editor of "The Torch". She's a pretty cool dog and she seems to really like living here. She went from spending all her time (even nights) outside in a backyard to being able to sleep inside, be as lazy as she wants, and have lots of doggy friends to play with from time to time. Pretty good life for a dog.

I went to see some friends from Austin play a show lastnight at The Cavern on lower Greenville. Let me tell you something about thursday night shows when it is 20 degrees and snowing in Dallas. Not many people show up. And by not many people I mean myself, my friend Jaime, the bar staff, and the other band. It was good to hang out with friends that I don't see very often though.

On a completely different note ... I was in Kroger the other day getting groceries and I witnessed a person who is quite possibly the faster sacker of groceries I've ever seen. Want to know why this is noteworthy? Because she only had one arm! As I looked up in the checkout line to see her start bagging I though "why would they give this poor one armed girl a job where it is obviously beneficial to have two arms?" And then it was like Clark Kent went to town on my groceries. They were all in the bag and back in the shopping cart before I even knew what happened. I was amazed. So she is my new favorite Kroger employee.

Tyrone is my new favorite Whataburger employee.

Okay, it's time for me to go eat some delicious Mexican food. I promise a little more serious update on life around here in the near future. Until then ...


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