Monday, February 26, 2007


I've had such a weird day. I ate a huge meal Saturday night and although I didn't have a huge appetite on Sunday I managed to eat two good meals which is normal for me as I usually don't do breakfast. But today I didn't eat lunch until after 1:00 and that was just a quick meal from McDonald's (I don't know why I go there. It's slowly killing me I'm sure). Anyways, the thing is I couldn't even finish the meal. And then tonight I had absolutely no appetite for dinner. I ended up eating 5 Thin Mint cookies and drinking 2 bottles of water after working out. Which leads me to the other thing. I'm crazy focused today. I usually feel like I have ADD and instead of doing anything productive I just hang on the couch watching t.v. Not today. I've been all over getting things done. Focused. Energetic. Not sure what's gotten into me. And that's without any fuel today. Of course I could still be reaping the benefits of the amazing guacamole burgers I made on Saturday night. They will change your life.

The other weird thing that I've been thinking about recently is how I ended up with a full bread Golden Retriever that doesn't retrieve for ... well, you know. Sometimes she will play fetch. But if she's not feeling it then you can forget it. It's a good thing I just got her to listen to me talk and to help pick up chicks (which by the way is not working) and not to actually go retrieve birds I blow out of the sky. She's a great dog. But not so good with the retrieving. We'll work on it.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


Today I got the following fortune:


What in the world is that supposed to mean? I have no idea if that is good or bad. I'm assuming good since I've never really seen a negative fortune in a fortune cookie before. I'm totally a fan of fortunes with a little twist though. Here are some ideas I've come up with:







I just think everything in the world has to even out somehow. Not everyone can be leaders. If they were, then we wouldn't actually have leaders. We'd just have a big bunch of people walking around. For all the good fortunes there have to be some bad ones, otherwise how would we know that the good ones are good. So if the chinese restaurants are all handing out good fortunes then they are definitely blowing sunshine. So why not spread a little more realistic fortune to the world. I'm just sayin'.

So seriously ... CLASSIC ... is that good?


A long time ago in a land far, far away I attended college. I studied marketing and managed to pick up a few things along the way. In several classes we discussed different types of consumers. There are of course specific names and attributes for each type and most of this eludes me at the moment but I'll fill you in on what I remember and how it relates to me. First of all you have the people who buy things because they always want to be on the cutting edge. It almost doesn't matter what it is, as long as it is the next greatest thing. They will sacrifice paying high prices in order to be one of the first to have a new item for sale. On the opposite end of that spectrum you have people who always have and always will be satisfied with how things used to be. They don't need any of the new stuff and certainly will not be paying money for this stuff. For example, do you know anyone who just refuses to purchase a computer? Or who has a computer but will not connect it to the internet? I'm sure you do. They're probably older than you. And that's just how it's going to be. No need in attempting to change their minds. Then you have several areas between these two extremes. Probably the most common is the person who likes new and innovative things but doesn't want to take the risk or pay the money to be the first to own. After several months or maybe several years (depending of the product) this person is totally on board, but waits until all the kinks are worked out and the price finds its equilibrium. This is the person I would like to be and should be, but I somehow always find myself a step or two behind this person. You will see as I tell you about the genius I spoke of in the subject line.

A few months ago I finally got DVR. My justification for not having it before was that I didn't want to pay the extra $5 or $10 a month. Then I got to thinking about all the things I waste $5 or $10 on every month and decided it was time. It has literally revolutionized my entire life. I can now watch hour long shows in around 40 minutes. If there is a band I want to see on Kimmel but I have to get up really early I just record it and watch it the next day. Say there is a certain show I like to keep up with. I set a series recording, forget about it, and then find new shows on my DVR all the time. It seriously may be the single greatest invention of my lifetime ... so far.

And yesterday I finally broke down and signed up for Netflix. The first disc of the first season of The Office should be arriving at my house sometime this afternoon. Once I'm caught up on that show I think I'm on to 24 and then The Sopranos and then I'm not sure what. Who cares. It will show up at my house and I'll watch it. Why was I so skeptical of the Netflix until now? Actually I was skeptical because I used to have a roomate that had Netflix and we had the same 3 movies for 6 months. Not such a great value when you do it that way. But I am committed to getting value out it and entertaining myself with hours upon hours of past television excitement.